Live Chat - Live, Assigned & Archived Chat

Live Chat:

Live chat functionality enables you to efficiently handle conversations originating from multiple channels such as WhatsApp, web, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, SMS, and Google Business Messages. All these interactions can be managed seamlessly through a single dynamic dashboard.

In the live chat interface, incoming chats are presented as individual "Chat Rooms". These chat rooms are categorized into three sections based on their status: "Live," "Assigned," and "Archived."

Live Section: Within the "Live" segment, the chat rooms contain the ongoing chats taking place between end users and the active bot on their respective channels. The logged-in admin has the ability to join the ongoing bot-driven conversation at any point by selecting "Enter Chat" within the specific chat room.

Assigned Section: Within the "Assigned" segment, when a chat room is allocated to an agent—either automatically or manually via the live section—it is subsequently moved to the assigned section. Here, the designated agent addresses the user's inquiry and designates the chat's status as resolved, abandoned, or critical as appropriate.

Archived Section: Within the "Archived" segment, chat rooms are placed when an agent, team manager, or administrator updates the chat status to either resolved or abandoned. Additionally, if a chat room remains unaddressed for over 24 hours, it is considered expired and is subsequently shifted to the archived section.

Restoring an expired chat room back to the "Live" section to address the query involves a simple process. For instance, with WhatsApp rooms, if you intend to shift a particular chat room back to "live", the end user's response within the chatroom is required. By initiating a new conversation and sending a template to the specific number, you can prompt the end user to reply. Upon their response to the template message, the chat room seamlessly transitions back to the "Live", allowing for continued engagement.

Update Chat Status / Save contact:

Update chat status: Once the user's inquiry has been addressed, the Agent, Team Manager, or Admin has the ability to conclude the chat session or modify its status manually. This can be accomplished by selecting the three-dot menu on the live chat header. This action prompts a menu offering options to resolve the chat, mark it as abandoned, or label it as critical, accompanied by a field to include an associated comment. Additionally, there's an option to send a feedback message to the end user by checking a feedback checkbox.

Save Contact: It is possible to store any chat room as a contact by accessing the three-dot dropdown menu located in the header of the live chat interface. Once you choose the "Save Contact" option, a prompt will emerge, presenting fields to input information such as name, phone number, tags, and more. Upon completing this form, the saved contact can be found within the contacts section in the admin tools. This stored contact can subsequently serve multiple use cases.

Enter Chat:

While a bot flow is active, the admin retains the ability to join the conversation at any moment. Additionally, when the chat is transferred to an agent or a team member (TM), it becomes possible to activate a two-way communication channel between the end user and the agent. In this context, we've introduced a dynamic chatbox furnished with numerous convenient functionalities. These features are designed to enhance the agent's ability to engage with the end user in an effective manner. Consequently, the agent can address the user's inquiries more swiftly and with an elevated level of quality and customer satisfaction.

AI Features:

You can discover the capabilities of ChatGPT via our Chat360 platform. Within this platform, you'll encounter AI-powered functionalities listed below. These features are designed to modify your input text to align with your intended output, aiding agents in enhancing their performance and achieving more effective communication with end users. This enhancement not only elevates communication quality but also expands the agent's capacity to efficiently address numerous chat interactions.

1 - Rephrase: Using the capabilities of Chat GPT, we've integrated an incredible function that takes a sentence and restructures it, enhancing its grammatical correctness and overall structure to make it more compelling and convincing.

2 - Tone Adjustment: The tone adjustment feature leverages ChatGPT's capabilities, allowing you to modify the tone of a statement, whether it's Casual, Semi-formal, or Formal. It takes an initial statement, and if the expression in the statement lacks the necessary formality, you can seamlessly transform it into a formal tone with a single click and same goes for semi-casual and casual tones as well!

3 - Expand: The Expand feature proves to be extremely useful for your agents as it conserves their valuable time and assists them in composing appropriate responses. This feature takes a basic sentence and transforms it into a more elaborate and meticulously structured form, ensuring both customer satisfaction and time efficiency for the agent.

4- Summarize: "Summarize Chat" stands out as another remarkable feature designed to assist agents. Upon selecting this option, agents can obtain a summarized overview of the ongoing chat history with the end user. By clicking the "summarize chat" button, a condensed version of the interaction between the bot/agent and the end user is generated. This summary can then be saved as a private note, serving as a valuable resource for the agent to offer context about the conversation to their colleagues.


Upon entering the chat, you have the capability to send attachments to the end user by selecting the attachments icon. This action empowers the user to share various types of content such as documents, photos, and videos within the live chat interface. The content shared will then be displayed on the end user's screen based on the specific channel they're using. It's important to note that there are size limits for attachments: documents have a maximum limit of 100MB, photos can be up to 5MB, and videos can be up to 16MB in size.

Quick Replies:

Quick replies are predefined replies that agents can readily transmit during live chats without the need for manual typing. These stored Quick replies significantly optimize agents' time allocation, allowing them to efficiently handle a greater number of inquiries. To employ this feature, you can select the Quick Reply button situated alongside the text box. Once clicked, a prompt will emerge, showcasing the pre-established Quick replies. You can conveniently dispatch these responses within the chat. Additionally, you have the option to craft new Quick replies directly from this interface, media attachments can also be incorporated within these Quick replies.